Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Introducing The Homer Overlays

All of my work over the past ten years has been leading to unfolding this sacred and esoteric knowledge for the thirsty seekers hiding amidst the general public. 

The secret and sacred esoteric genius of Winslow Homer will be revealed in 2018. I’m incredibly honored and very pleased to be the one chosen to first see this and bring it to you. The overlays method I’ve recently discovered can be seen at work here in the landscape master of New England, Winslow Homer. I haven’t found a single completed painting of his that isn’t loaded and coded: his watercolors when processed with the overlays techniques I’m still cataloging and discovering as I go reveal some of the most breathtaking radiant and glorious images I’ve ever seen in my thirty plus years as an art lover and creator. What I will be revealing is the part if these images that not created consciously by the artist but channeled from the mysterious place inspiration and genius comes from. These are Christ’s fingerprints tapping you on the shoulder. This is God’s art, not Homer’s. 

Once an artist gets good enough, they learn to get out of the fucking way let go. 

We were looking for evidence of god in the wrong place. Wookin for nub. Just a nub. Just a tip. 

Here we can see Homers famous stranded sailer is doomed to be eaten by sharks when looking in polarized fashion to the extreme sides of the image as the sharks eat the pearl in the center of the ship; a malevolent octopus face looks on from behind. 
Further shifting of the overlay reveals a sailor redeemed, in the middle path, united with his other half , his necklace now a glinting white bird with open wings, and his legs are no longer entangled to the divided sinking ship. The front of the ship reveals a Thomas the Tank Engine like smile as the sharks turn the water red with their own blood consuming themselves as he looks on, safe. 

Thank you Sophia, thank you Christ.